Tuesday, February 2, 2016

It's Time to Tell Your Story - SEIZE THE DAY!

EVERYONE has a story to tell!  After all, there is no one else on this earth like YOU.  You are amazing and unique.  Through life's ups and downs, you have learned a thing or two; right?  No matter your age or your background, YOU have something to say.  You have information about your hometown, memories of your parents and grandparents to share, and advice and wisdom to pass on to present and future generations. 

The problem is usually, "Where do I start??"  So... here are a few questions for starters (and this is just the beginning)!  SEIZE THE DAY and begin your life story NOW.

The People Who Shaped You:

~How would you describe your mother to someone who had never met her?
~What is a key lesson you learned from your father?
~Tell about your childhood friends.
~What were your favorite things to play with?
~Describe your town, neighborhood, and the environment of your childhood home - use all of your senses!

 "My dad taught me to enjoy life. He worked hard, but he knew that it was important to be fun-loving, too. He included me in everything he did. He loved me unconditionally. The way he treated me taught me how to treat people I love."

Need help telling your story? 
Let LifeBio help you.  We make it easy for you to get started!

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